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Registration Terms & Rules
In order to proceed, you must agree to the following:
~ Welcome to Dons-Fun4all.com ~
This site is dedicated to Don, founder of ipb-fun4all, who sadly passed away 31st January 2012, we have tried to re-create the site in the way that Don would have approved
Our Admins/staff team are here to help you and make your stay with us as enjoyable as possible, in doing so we ask that all members read the following Site/Forum and Arcade Rules
Admin Team (Root Admins - Blue/ Admins - Red / Game Coder/Moderator- Pale Blue)
Owner - NickTheGreek
Forum/Site Rules
Treat other members as you would want to be treated yourself. This is a family, friendly site, in being a member here we want you to help us keep it that way
We don't tolerate rudeness, racism, discrimination, pornography (images, avatars, signatures or text), swearing or anything that is likely to cause offence
If you have an issue with another member at dons-fun4all.com, please raise this with our Root Admins in the first instance
Please maintain a valid, up-to-date email address, so we can contact you when we need to. If we are unable to contact you, we may have to delete your membership
Multiple accounts are allowed for a single IP address, such as husband and wife, brother and sister etc, but a single user should have no more than one account, if we see the same IP address for numerous accounts we may approach you for more information and ask which account you wish to keep
Do NOT Spam
All topics, posts and images are subject to approval and can be removed at any time by the Administrators/Moderators
Forum Posting
Do not post links to and/or promote torrent or warez sites, do not promote game downloading sites and do not post links to/or upload illegal content
Do not advertise your site in your signature or avatar without prior approval from admin, you may add your site details in the correct area of your profile or in the forums if agreed by Root Admin
Do not promote other websites that are or not affiliates with this community by sharing links in forum topics or the shoutbox
There is currently no "Affiliate" member usergroup
Absolutely no hot-linking of images from dons-fun4all.com
All topics, posts and images are subject to approval and can be removed at any time by the Administrators/Moderators
Personal Message System (PM's)
Do not spam members via the pm system
Do not invite members via pm to join yours or any other site
If you have issue with another member at our site, please contact Root Administrators in the first instance, pm's sent to a member or members of an inflammatory nature or that causes offence may be subject to a membership suspension or ban
Please check our admin/staff list regularly, please report or forward any suspicious pm to admin if sent by an admin or staff member not on that list, it is probably not genuine
Please remember this is a live area of our site, so swearing or insults will not be tolerated, please keep it clean
Please use
in our shoutbox, admins or others may post in a foreign language to welcome or help a non-UK member
Please remember this is a shoutbox for dons-fun4all.com, not an area for in-depth discussions about other sites or members of other sites who have little or no connection to dons-fun4all.com
Please do not use text speak
Do not report broken games in the shoutbox, please use the forums
No large images or emoticons and no posting of "URL" links without prior approval from the Administrators
Inappropriate or unacceptable shouts will be removed by admin/moderators
Arcade Rules
We promote fair play in our arcade.
We have ipbcoding arcade v6.1.8 here on site, please see the arcade help tutorial, which give more details -->
Arcade Help Guide/Tutorial
The viewing of member's arcade profiles is currently disabled
Our arcade re-sets will be announced in our forums
Please be aware that as some of our games are popular, you may well be in competition fairly quickly with another member (members); this is not considered targeting, merely you all like the same games, this is also true after an arcade scores re-set, members will be vying for a "top spot" on our leader board, pm's sent by the system to alert members that their score has been taken is now disabled, regardless of the settings individual members have
Please do not pm other members complaining about taking of games or scores, if members receive complaints like this, please inform an administrator
Targeting of a member's games has never been an issue for us and we don't expect it to be
These rules may be revised at any time, please ensure you check frequently
Anything that you need clarification on or are unsure about, please contact admin or staff members
June 2016 - do not repost without permission, Thank you ~ Admin Team
I have read, understood and agree to these rules and conditions
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Time is now: 7th February 2025 - 06:11 AM